Our Expertise

Bordeaux - Allée de Chartres - stones-invest Our team has at its disposal experts who will guide the client at every stage of the transaction:

Real Estate Experts help select the properties.
Located in the centre of the town or city, our choice of properties ensures an optimum return, quality architecture and potential for increased value.

Legal and tax experts , assure the best legal protection monitoring and personalized advice; dependence on the provisions of the MALRAUX, or Monument Historique, provisions requires considerable “fiscal guarantee”.

Specialists in the restoration of period properties for more than 25 years in the provinces and more particularly in PARIS,
dans le MARAIS
. Our partners employ experts (journeymen, artisans, architects from Bâtiments de France
and national heritage…) and are leaders in their field.

Our team provides personalised monitoring and total support:

From initial advice to finalising the project, we go from sourcing the property through to acquiring it on behalf of the client, leasing it and making the necessary tax declarations.
We listen carefully to the requirements of the client, analyse his or her needs, provide customised research and appropriate proposals, make ourselves available and respect client confidentiality: these are the values that drive our team.